
Cat person




“The Summer Experience” pt2

The wind from the sea was soft, so we sat there, drinks in hand, having a moment.

“As I start that work there’s more and more things that make me have more and more questions. Major ones include – ‘where’s the contract?’, ‘why were there no health and safety trainings?’, ‘do people come to work here with some sort of experience with adult industry?’, ‘why do most other people who work here do not respect the models?’, and on and on the list goes. But I was not sure whom to ask what, as the director is human with issues. Like many of us, but his approach of being hostile and entitled is absolutely, phenomenally annoying. He acted like internet troll all the time – at work, in person – he’s all nice and does not talk much, but online – in the work chat – he’d diss everyone with high abuse verbally, using swearing, using insults, shitting on everyone so hard – I wondered if he’s bloody 10 year old kid online or actual adult.” – I said.

“He sounds like a dick.” – She replied. – “One with a fuck ton of problems and in need of therapy.”

“I mean yeah. I really hope he sorts his shit out. May he heal, like all of the others there. As that level of shit that was there – it’s bad for human psyche.” – I let out. – “On that same note… Human psyche… I managed to befriend some people. One that I did, the first one – was one of the models.”

“Oh, that’s a good development.” – She looked at me, eyebrows raised. I gave a nod.

“Yeah, I was wondering about her, as I liked to set cameras on her, as she’s hot. And many people were telling me that she’s like a person who’d do anyone. And I was like – ‘Mmm, not sure.” One time, when I had to get out there to fix stuff, I talked to her and she said ‘I want you’ and I was like, ‘Whoah, flattered’. Because I genuinely was. She was amazing. A bit newbie in the work, but pretty good at what she does. So, yeah, she is having a high sexual drive, but she’s young and that’s normal. Some people have it like that. So I got her IG and we chatted. She even would ask to bring her drinks through it, as she’d share some of her cooking with me – and she cooks marvellously.” – I smiled, as I shared the details.

“Eventually this work got me to wonder things. Main one being – why do ‘events’ do not look like ‘events’? Like, there’s a daily thing going on there, but that just plainly looks sad. And even as I spoke to other workers – they sort of shared that for most part the models are the ones to do their part of entertaining themselves, making own content for other adult sites and all that – and I felt like this whole management is not up to their job at all. Like – they’re missing out on themed photoshoots, SFW and NSFW content that can go to social media and adult sites… But once again – who am I there to pitch or say anything…” – I roll my eyes, as I recall the annoying details.

“You mean they’re shit at making content? Like, is that not their whole thing?” – She asked me.

“I mean yes, they’re good, but somehow the workers slack off on work and they’re not good enough. The big issue in there is also the language barrier and the workers attitude. I was disgusted with that myself. Like, I have gotten a shit treatment from the start – coz girls there who are admins – they had contempt against me from the get go. One even went so far, as to call me a ‘rat’ on her video call with a friend, showing me in the video, as I sat there doing my job. Yes, I wore no makeup, yes, I was in my hoodie. But I was not there to show off – I was there to do work. And those girls – they came in there like it was a bloody beauty pageant, like they’re trying to find rich husband/sugar daddy. I mean, I don’t give a shit how you dress and how you look, but be a dick to me – and I’ma be a dick to you. Simple. So I just did not engage with those people. Which made them pissed off, per cultural issue, as they expected me to please them, to kiss their asses and all that to be on their good graces. And I just did not. I could not care about that at all.” – I streamed all that out.

“They sound bad.” – She let out.

“Oh they were. But the bad shit does not start on it, nor end. The thing that was there and mocked me the most was the change that came about suddenly – when the models who for most were female were sent home and the new thing arrived – couples thing. And that was a mess from the start.” – I let out a deep sigh.

“How so?” – She furrows her brows. – “I mean, would that not be better?”

“I guess from content position – yes, in practical aspect that was quite troublesome. I got to know that one – the models were scouted within 3 weeks time and the managers who answer for the models – had no time, nor resources for the whole thing, so they could not get professionals, they got amateurs. And that is one. With another thing being they all are different, some monogamous, some polyamorous, and then there’s the catalyst in the body of alcohol – there was a lot of that and that was absolutely damaging. One of the couples were nice, but when it came to alcohol – he became violent drunk and that was not nice. He punched a wall, scared the people. A few days later – he just went about to get wasted again and tried to beat the heck out of another dude. Who hid behind the admin area. This violent bout guys girl was basically hiding from him, saying that she’s scared and needs to stay in another room, which was provided. Thank fuck for that. But the guy spun out of control and was all out there. He bit own phone through, almost, with then spitting out glass bits. That freaked me out a bit, as we had to cut off the streaming and deal with him, to calm him down and put him to sleep. The security guys did a thing, with intimidation, then escort to room, but that was a mess none the fucking less.” – I took a deep breath, then breathed out, then pressed lips.

“Wow, that’s very eventful in there.” – She says, as she makes concerned face.

“Yeah. So with that – there was another couple that began creating issues, but that too was based about the alcohol. And even in that was not the violence – that was sort of attributed to drugs. More like – lack of the latter. For they were kind of heavy cocaine addicts and there could be none of that there. So withdrawal symptoms and all were all over the place and that. But yeah – human issues. Human errors. Other people there were kind of using the weed, to chill down, which I’m all alright with, as weed calms down people, not winds them up, which is a great thing. But still illegal in this country.” – I shrugged, then shook my head.

“The one more thing that was discovered way later was that director had issue with cocaine as well. As he used it a bit too much, with him being very paranoid, aggressive and frankly – somewhere out in the space and time perceived only by him. But one thing that he was annoyed the most by, that I got to know through others – was ‘cocaine dick’, aka erectile dysfunction due to drug. I have no clue how it works, but that was that. But my shablang was not done yet.” – I let out.

She gave me a nod.

“So, I was working there, making friends with security guys, for as far as I could get with that. One guy – was a more rough Draco Malfoy platinum blond dude. Military trained and handsome. I mean, he was tired from all the shit, but he was funny and very smart, I like that and well, the vibe he gave off – the kind where you know you’re ok with a person. And well, we shared come cool conversations together, I even felt like we were getting closer as humans, maybe having some proximity privileges. Like, I noticed that he had a tendency to sit very close to me. But that made me happy, for I realised that I liked him. Like, started to have that romantic feel for him. And how did I get there – the moment I caught my brain thinking a phrase ‘Oh I wanna kiss him now’ and that’s where I had to put breaks on that thirsty thing, as I knew he had a girlfriend and they were really serious.” – I felt myself getting slightly bashful at revealing this all.

“Oh you sweetheart, you actually don’t have your heart frozen over. That’s good to know. Oh how adorable.” – She smiled at me, with that sly look, when you know you’re being softly nudged by words.

“Ehhh, well. I did like to be in his proximity. The amount of times my mind would wonder how to sneaky lean on him. Adorable. But then sure enough – it came back to reality to be questioning the whole thing. From ‘are we even compatible?’ to ‘yeah, but even if we have similarities and vibe well together, but what little things he does will trigger me or what will trigger him?’ so I got there and understood that it’s a no. Funny enough, there was another security guy who was younger than this one, and this one was already younger than me, but that other – he was looking at me, like cat who just had catnip. And you just kno-ow. And I felt like – ‘Oh, so I guess me liking that other dude is frankly – this same obvious as well. oh dear.’ so yeah. And that younger dude – we did not have many work hours together, so he did look forward to the days/time it actually would. And for the first time that our work time would be same – I was fired on same day. Ohoho. How the tables have turned.” – I let out sarcastically.

She laughed out loud. And I gave it a moment, until she composed herself.

“It has the action, the romance and the thriller, geez, babe, what the heck?” – She looks at me, as she wipes pretend tears from laughter. – “Alright sugar, go on.”

…to be continued…

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