
Cat person




Psychogeography – ???

What are we on about? Ehm, as Wikipedia defines and informs:

Some resource links…

So, frankly it is how you feel/vibe with a place, how the place makes you feel, how you energetically interact with it, how the memories, situations and interactions affect the state/feeling you get from those places…

That made me think about the Astrology of Locations and places.

With how things are, genuinely the places and the feelings sort of correlate with medians of astrology that lie there. Aspects, vibes… If you must…

For each person it’s its own thing that influences creation, becoming swayed into the softness of daydreams, or coming up with a story of your own for a location, maybe even to feel jittery, afraid, cold, happy, sad… Once viewing something, seeing something, being somewhere.

I mean, I have tendency to walk about A LOT. Like, my legs go, I follow, like some invisible magnet is like “Yep, that’s the way”. And that is how I discover some cool, some eerie, some happy, some beautiful and strange places. Parks, abandoned buildings/areas, items that you literally notice if you do pay attention – the small things that are charming.

Guess – I too get inspired by some places, by the energy that they have, by the flow of life in them, or lack of that. Those things make you wonder who lived, live, shall live there, go there, pass by there… Like, were there some sweet lovers or heinous enemies meeting in a certain spot, or living side by side…

There’s ways to stories and there are ways to inspiration.

Like, there could be some magical creatures there, just behind that corner, lingering in the park, that end of park, which feels like fey and otherworldly are dancing there.

I mean… There’s always some inspiration in small things. What do you think?

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